Package de.postfuse.ui

Interface Summary
AddScript This interface is used for all GraphElements which support scripts.
Design This is an general Design interface for graph items.
Edge This interface defines an Edge as an Edge
EdgeDesign This interface extends the generak design by edge spezific properties.
Graph The Graph interface is implemented by all objects which support to add a graph structure.
GraphElement An interface implemented by all elements which belong to the graph.
GraphFactory A general interface for objects which can create graphs.
Node This is the superinterface for Subgraphs and Nodes.
NodeDesign An interface with node specials.
RootGraph Every graph and subgraph strcuture needs a root.
Script Interface for all scripts
ScriptEnvironment The environment of the script.
ScriptFactory This interface has to be implemented by factories of scripts which extend our plugin.
Subgraph This interface combines the graph and the node to get a subgraph.
TextNode A Node of the Graph which contains a label and html content.

Class Summary
Constants irgend so was ist noetig fuer Farbkonstanten, damit man nicht eine zu grosses Farbspektrum genutzt wird eigtl gibt es aber Farbkonstanten auch im awt

Enum Summary
EdgeArrowType An enum which contains different arrow types - no arrow means an undirected connection
NodeShape This enum contains different geometric shapes for nodes.
NodeType The node type defines, if the node is a start and/or end node.

Exception Summary
GraphStructureException This exception is thrown if something with the structure of the graph goes wrong.